Monday, May 23, 2011

My New Lovely and Happy Life

I was soo happy recently. Because I got a super nice BF, name Clement. hmmm~ we had met kinda lot problems though, but we still stay by each other side, although we just start not more than 2 weeks, but we are just like honey and lemon.... maybe because we just started the relationship, but i dun really care, as long as we keep each other in our heart is enough~ though there is problems occur, but nvm, i know he will protect me and care me a lot lot~hmmm~ i really do hope both of us will stay like this and never change<3<3


  1. so fast got so many nice pics d ah~
    anyway, go do the count time de thing. me and lav oso got tat one. hahaha.

  2. lolz~ cos i owes pull him take picture la~haha~ he oso let me take lo, hen pei he somemore~hahaah~ i got dy lo de coutdown thing~hen hua hee o~
